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the site Pot Farm called..."the best and most comprehensive Pot Farm site on the vast interwebs!"

Fan page with info on every item and every seed ever released in Pot Farm and MUCH MORE!

Pot Farm shut down Dec 11, 2019 at 4pm PST.

Due partly to the upcoming change away from flash and the fact that the game was no longer profitable, the developers sadly decided to end the game. Cash purchases were turned off November 13 and the game was shut down on December 11, 2019. See also their video announcement of shutdown and announcement on their Facebook page. See also: A word from East Side Games | Pot Farm Commemoration Stream | Some terrible jingles: Thank You Pot Farm, Pot Farm Influencer Jingle, Big Pig Fat Bat Jingle.

Thank you to those who have been kind enough to support my work over the years.

Frequently Asked Questions


Where do I find something I need for a quest?

Click the GO THERE button on the quest page in the game. If there's an option to buy it, you can. Otherwise, check the QUEST LIST in this guide to see if you earn it doing another quest.

How do I get Pot Scotch?

You can make it! Pot Scotch is produced by the Whiskey Still and Irish Whiskey Still contraptions. The regular Whiskey Still is available in the store. The Irish Whiskey Still was a limited time offer that shows up now and then.

Can I play Pot Farm on my Android, iPhone, iPad, or tablet?

Check out the PUFFIN BROWSER. Install it and you should be able to play!

How do I contact Pot Farm support about a problem?

Click for complete details on contacting Pot Farm Support.

How do I get Jitters the Chihuahua (guano repeater)?

He's back! Get more info on the "Jitters Page".

Can we get more land?

We can only get what's listed on the Land page. Supercropping and hydroponics were introduced to help fit more on your farm. The developers have stated repeatedly that the game cannot handle more land.

Where can I find the Dementoad or "3rd Eye" Critters?

The Dementoad is a rare drop from the Mystery Critter gift. Send a bunch to neighbors and get them back, or mooch them from the Gifts page.

See all the different critters that you can get from Mystery Critter gifts.

Can I use my gift seeds in hydroponic structures?

YES, you can! Go to your gift box, find the seed you want to plant. Click USE then click the hydro. There is a price for this though. It costs 2 puff puff per plant to put gift seeds in hydros.

How do I store things or get things out of storage?

See the Storage Page.

How do I build and use hydroponics?

See the Hydroponics Page.

How do I "start the Hydro Van?"

Click here for complete info on the Hydro Van and complete info on Hydroponics.

What can I do if an item has disappeared from my farm?

First, reload the game. If that doesn't bring it back and it's not in storage, Contact Pot Farm Support.

What are Potions, Carrots, Bones and Blood, Second Breakfast, etc. for?

Most of these strange items that can't be placed on your farm are for quests or building/upgrading items (such as hydroponic structures). See the Products Page for details.

Can I send something in my gift box or stash to another player?

Nope. There is no way of giving an item in your gift box or stash to someone else.

Does [insert item name here] DO anything?

Some items, especially older ones, don't do anything. Search this site with the name of the item to see a detailed page showing what it does.

I completed an offer through the game to earn Facebook Credits, but I never received them. What I can do to get them?

Click the "Pot Bucks" tab in the top of the game. Then click the blue button labeled "Earn Facebook Credits". Click the HELP button in the top right of the new popup. This has a handy FAQ page that should explain. There's also a link to "See My Offer Status".

Note: These offers are handled by TrialPay, NOT Pot Farm. Use the instructions above to contact them to sort out any problems.

What are the Cocoa Trees and Cocoa Pods used for and how do I get them?

This is explained in detail on my Game Info page under Cocoa.

How can I let some friends see my Pot Farm posts and block it from others?

locking posts

Illustration provided by Bill 'Tetris' Cassaday

Instead of indicating specific friends each time, you can also specify a list of friends. For instructions on creating friend lists, here's a great article that explains it: How to Use Facebook Privacy Settings and Avoid Disaster

How do I get on the mailing list? I want free stuff!

Click "VIP" in the TOP banner of the game. Email is sent to your main Facebook email address. (The VIP icon in the lower left is different. That's a subscription for bonus goodies.)

I bought $20 in pot bucks with my credit card but haven't gotten them. What do I do?

Click HELP in the top banner of the game and submit a support request.

I planted 'ranger approved' crops, but they don't increase my protection. Why not?

Plants that provide protection ONLY do so after they are fully grown.

How often can you visit neighbors' farms and receive experience for "Helping"?

You can earn XP when you visit each neighbor's farm up to a max of 1 time per 8 hour period. That means, if you're a ninja, you can visit each neighbor's farm 3 times per day (each neighbor, 3 times, 24 hours) .. but we do recommend sleeping at night.

How can I get more gifts?

Send gifts to all of your neighbors and/or request gifts from random players.

You sure know a lot about this game. Are you one of the developers?

Nope. I'm just an enthusiastic fan of the game. For more info about me, my guide and my facebook pages, see the "About PFI" Page.

Hey, dude. Will you be my neighbor?

Sorry, but Facebook deemed me a celebrity and changed my account to a Page. Therefore, I can't add friends.

Dude! What DON'T you know about the game?

Plenty! The following is a list of questions I don't have answers to, so please don't bother asking.

  • When will we get more quests? (Along with most other "WHEN?" or "WHY?" questions.)
  • Why aren't there awards for Acapulco Gold?
  • Can you fix my problems? (NO! I'm not a developer.)
  • Why did Daddy leave for cigarettes and never come back?

Pot Farm Info Site Map:

Pot Farm Info | 420 rally pix | About PFI | Awards/Trophies | Cast | Contraptions | Corrections | Crates | Critters | Daily Bread | Donations | Dynamic Seeds | Eggs | FAQ | FREE STUFF | Gifting | Glossary | GridClicker | HUD (Heads Up Display) | Hydroponics | Idiots Guide to PF | Items ( New | Improved) | Land Upgrades | Leveling | Memorial | Mystery Gifts | Mystery Seeds | NEWS | Pot Heads | Products | Quests ( TutorialCurrentChronicExpired) | Rally Events | Rally Gear | Rally Groups | Rally Quests | Repeaters | SEARCH | Search History | Seeds | Sharing | Shoutouts from Pot Farm | Old Shoutouts from Pot Farm | Site Map | Slide Show of Items | Storage | Themes | Time | Tips & Tricks

Pot Farm Info on Social Media:

PFI Facebook Group | PFI Facebook Page | PFI on TWITTER | PFI YouTube Page

Pot Farm developer pages:

PF on Facebook | PF on Twitter | PF on Instagram

Copyright 2010-2025, Pot Farm Info

This site is NOT affiliated with Facebook, Pot Farm on Facebook, LDRLY Games or EastSide Games. However, all content is used with appropriate permission by original authors. That permission does NOT extend to anyone copying from this site.