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the site Pot Farm called..."the best and most comprehensive Pot Farm site on the vast interwebs!"

Fan page with info on every item and every seed ever released in Pot Farm and MUCH MORE!

Pot Farm shut down Dec 11, 2019 at 4pm PST.

Due partly to the upcoming change away from flash and the fact that the game was no longer profitable, the developers sadly decided to end the game. Cash purchases were turned off November 13 and the game was shut down on December 11, 2019. See also their video announcement of shutdown and announcement on their Facebook page. See also: A word from East Side Games | Pot Farm Commemoration Stream | Some terrible jingles: Thank You Pot Farm, Pot Farm Influencer Jingle, Big Pig Fat Bat Jingle.

Thank you to those who have been kind enough to support my work over the years.


The Message Center icon is the envelope on the top right corner of the game.

From there, there are 4 tabs: Send Gifts, Receive Gifts, Work Requests, and "Rallies".

SEND GIFTS: (Gift or Request)

You can send gifts to neighbors once a day. The day resets at 10pm pacific time (see countdown clock above.) 10pm is also when Daily Bread and Share Post Collection Limits reset.

Under the "Send Gifts" tab, you can SEND or REQUEST gifts. To send gifts to your neighbors, click the GIFT button next to the item you want to send (and then receive in return). You'll be shown a list of all your friends. You can narrow this down to only neighbors (friends who play Pot Farm) by clicking the Neighbors button. You can then pick the neighbors to send it to or simply use the "Select All" option to send to everyone. Then click "SEND". The game can still send only 50 at a time (Facebook limitation). If you selected more than 50, be sure to click the "SEND MORE" button that replaces the "SEND" button. Keep doing this until the "SEND MORE" button goes away to send to everyone you selected.

Requesting a gift. Click the REQUEST button next to the item you want to request. Pick friends or select all to check off all friends. Click REQUEST to send the request. (NOTE: Requesting gifts is generally frowned upon. Instead, if you simply send someone whatever you want, at least they'll get something and you'll get what you wanted when they accept it. They get nothing when responding to a REQUEST!)

There's a feature to send a gift request to 20 random players. Click on the gift envelope icon. Under the "Send Gifts" tab, find the gift you'd like, and click the corresponding request icon. It defaults to friends, but there's also a tab marked "random". Clicking that button will immediately send a request to 20 random players. Neither you nor they get any information about each other. After you accept such requests for gifts, you'll get the same item back when they accept your gift. (This explains both gifts and gift requests from people you don't know.) It looks like you can only use this once a day.


"Receive Gifts" shows who sent you what. You can click "accept and return" for a particular gift, OR, you can simply click ACCEPT ALL, and it will accept AND RETURN all gifts. When you do this, it will tell you how many you've accepted and how many you've returned. The return amount is often less, since you can only send to any friend once a day. You may have sent them something from the Send Gifts tab or you might have piled up a few gifts from the same person over a few days.

TIP: If you want to send someone something different than what they sent you, SEND them a gift before you accept theirs!


"Work Requests" are what people send out to get help building things (by clicking "Invite" on an item's upgrade page). Simply click the "Work Requests" tab, then "Accept All". You'll get a popup saying how many coins you've received for helping people. (You can do this as often as you want to help people out.) NOTE: When inviting helpers for an item, you only need to click ONE of the invite buttons (any one), NOT each invite button. If you're upgrading multiple items, you will need to click an invite button for each item.


"Rallies" shows any rally invites you may have received. See more info on the Rallies Page.

GIFTS - Personal recommendation on what to give:

If the current theme weed is NOT available for coins, I recommend sending that. (If you can but it in the store for coins, most people find it easier to do that instead of trying to get it from gifts.) Otherwise, I recommend sending Rain Water. This is something that many cannot get lots of themselves. Rain Water can be traded in for Puff Puff Passes. Some like sending shovels as the resale price is pretty good on them and some extra coins could come in handy especially for newer players.

You can send gifts to as many friends as you'd like (50 at a time). You can do this once a day. (A game day starts and ends at 10pm pacific time.)

GIFTS - Planting:

You can plant multiple seeds from your gift box without having to go back to the gift box for each one. Simply click on the seed (or item) in your gift box, then place it on your farm. You can then just keep clicking on open spots on your farm to continue planting them (just like planting seeds from the store). You can also plant gifts in hydros. Click the PLANT button for the seed from the gift box. That will take you back to your farm. Then, click the hydro you want to plant in. It will cost 2 puff puff points per plant (a 25 plant hydro will cost you 50 puff puff points to fill).

GIFTS - Selling and Using:

From your Gift Box, choose either "sell one" or "SELL ALL"! Some items like hemp oil and potcorn can ONLY be used. Using them puts them in your stash. (They must be used and moved to your stash before you can use them as ingredients for contraptions or products for building something.

Pot Farm Info Site Map:

Pot Farm Info | 420 rally pix | About PFI | Awards/Trophies | Cast | Contraptions | Corrections | Crates | Critters | Daily Bread | Donations | Dynamic Seeds | Eggs | FAQ | FREE STUFF | Gifting | Glossary | GridClicker | HUD (Heads Up Display) | Hydroponics | Idiots Guide to PF | Items ( New | Improved) | Land Upgrades | Leveling | Memorial | Mystery Gifts | Mystery Seeds | NEWS | Pot Heads | Products | Quests ( TutorialCurrentChronicExpired) | Rally Events | Rally Gear | Rally Groups | Rally Quests | Repeaters | SEARCH | Search History | Seeds | Sharing | Shoutouts from Pot Farm | Old Shoutouts from Pot Farm | Site Map | Slide Show of Items | Storage | Themes | Time | Tips & Tricks

Pot Farm Info on Social Media:

PFI Facebook Group | PFI Facebook Page | PFI on TWITTER | PFI YouTube Page

Pot Farm developer pages:

PF on Facebook | PF on Twitter | PF on Instagram

Copyright 2010-2025, Pot Farm Info

This site is NOT affiliated with Facebook, Pot Farm on Facebook, LDRLY Games or EastSide Games. However, all content is used with appropriate permission by original authors. That permission does NOT extend to anyone copying from this site.