This fan site is a guide to the Android game, Bud Farm GRASS ROOTS.

NOTE: This guide was created a few years ago and hasn't really been kept up. A lot has changed in the game, but this guide can still show you the basics. (Please do not expect updates. I've retired.)

This game was originally created for Android by Eastside Games, the same folks who made "Pot Farm", the Facebook game. In May 2016, they released an Apple iPhone version that is nearly identical. Originally, the Android Version was Pot Farm Grass Roots. They changed it to "Bud Farm" in 2019 to avoid being hassled for mature content.

Watch the video trailer and game play video.


Download "Bud Farm: Grass Roots" from Google Play (Android).

To find the developers, visit their Official BFGR Facebook Page, website, and their BFGR Android SUPPORT.


Download "Bud Farm: Grass Roots" from iTunes (iPhone).

To find the developers, visit their Official BFGR Facebook Page, website, and their BFGR iPHONE SUPPORT.

The numbers in this guide may not always match the game.

I've seen questions about why the game has different requirements and outputs for different players. A while back, a dev wrote me: "none of this information is set in stone. As well with all of the tests we run, things like inputs, outputs, and requirements are never the same for all of our players so a guide outlining these things would likely do more damage then good for us."

About the author of this site:

They call me Guru Steve, the "Pot Farm Guru". I am an enthusiastic fellow player, NOT a developer of Pot Farm nor Bud Farm Grass Roots. (If you'd like to visit my farm, you can look me up in "budbook" in the game. My user id is "Guru Steve".) For nearly 10 years, I've run a complete guide to the game POT FARM on Facebook called "Pot Farm Info" at Pot Farm Info stands as an archive of Pot Farm, and this remains as a basic guide to Bud Farm Grass Roots. I'm now happily retired from running game guides.


Starting out: You're started off with a pretty clear tutorial.

Support: This guide is here to help people understand this game. If you have problems with the game, it's best to contact the developers of the game. Visit the official Grass Roots webpage and click the envelope icon in the upper right to email them a support request.

Changing Phones: Got a new phone and want to keep your game progress? After installing the app on your new phone, the game will lead you through a few things. Once you've done that, resync with Facebook and it should ask if you'd like to use your old game save.

UPGRADING: The more upgrades you have on equipment, (lights, water pump) the more bonus buds you get. Level 1 lights and water pump equals +2 buds. Each additional upgrade gives you an additional bud.

For example, Homegrown gives 5-14 base buds (that's totally random, lottery style), plus up to 4 buds for the watering (each watering gives one bonus bud), plus whatever equipment bonus you get based on level of upgrade.

Click the UPGRADE tab for more info.

Mastering Plants: Achieving higher mastery levels for plants appears to increase the base yield of buds per plant.

Buying Guano: When you try to use guano, but don't have enough to finish the plant your trying to grow, you'll be asked if you want to buy some. Prices are as follows:
10 for 29 pot bucks
40 for 99 pot bucks
250 for 499 pot bucks

Help from your friends: Click a growing plant to get the option to request help from your friends. It shows an exclamation on your pot is when you've asked a friend for help.

To Purchase Pot Bucks: Wad (x200) 4.99 CAD Stack (x1000) 19.99 CAD

To Purchase Coins: Pocketful (x1000) 10 PBs, Handful (x10000) 49 PBs, Sackful (x50000) 199 PBs


With a recent update, workers are now easier to get at the bus stop and require you to complete only ONE task for them.

The bus stop unlocks at level 11 to allow you to fill some of those opening (in the mill, dairy, etc).

When you complete all of the tasks for a worker, they are automatically added to your population. This increases the small green Slacker meter that represents how packed your town is! (Click on your population sign to see how many more are needed to open up another slacker spot.)

As that meter fills up, and hits the end, you will earn a NEW Slacker spot on your farm. Slackers are workers that you can place directly on your farm, which spend their time smokin' up and earn you FREE coins when you tap on them. You start with 1 available Slacker spot, and as you put more workers in your population, you can earn new spots, all the way up to 13!

Once you exit out of this screen, you will then be prompted to assign the person to a place, or boot them out!

After completing their task, you can send them to work (top option), make them a "slacker" (middle option), or give them the boot (bottom option).

Sending them to work: If you have a opening for their line of work (an open spot in the mill for a mill worker, etc), you can send them to work. Different workers offer different xp bonuses so if you find a new mill worker and your mill is already full, check to see if the new mill worker is better than your existing ones. If so, you can replace the old one with the new one and send the old one to be a slacker or to the population. (Notice the green up arrow or red down arrow when you click on an unplaced worker. That indicates whether they offer more or less XP than your current worker(s).)

Make them a slacker: Slackers just stand on your farm and give you coins now and then. The higher your population, the more slackers you're allowed.

Give them the boot: You'll get a parting gift from them and they'll ride away in the bus.

NOTE: If you don't dig the vibe of someone at the bus stop (or don't want to bother with their task), you can always send them away by clicking the red trash can icon. That will get the next worker there sooner rather than waiting for them to leave on their own.

The Mill produces POT FLOUR, BLONDE HASH and RED HASH:
Grind homegrown into flour for baking!

The mill is built on the bank of the river to the right of the job board. Once you build it, you'll need a worker. Workers show up on the farm and at the bus stop (across the street from your dispensary). Some workers will be for the mill, others will be for the dairy, bakery, etc.

Once you build it and get a worker, you'll be able to run it. It requires Homegrown buds. Every so many runs, you'll need to do maintenance. The meter in the upper left corner shows how close you are to needing maintenance. It will require some supplies and some time to fix and get running again.

Here's the MILL breakdown by level: (updated 6/6/2017)

LEVEL 1 MILL: At level ??, you can build a mill to make 6 POT FLOUR. Building takes ?? each bolts, gears and lumber, ?? coins, and takes ?? time. You then need to add a worker. To make 6 Pot Flour in the level 1 mill, ingredients are 9 Homegrown and takes 12 minutes. Base sale price for Pot Flour is 42 coins each.

LEVEL 2 MILL: At level ??, you can upgrade your mill to make 12 POT FLOUR. Upgrade takes ?? each bolts, gears and lumber, ?? coins, and takes ?? time. You then need to add another worker. To make 12 Pot Flour in the level 2 mill, ingredients are 16 Homegrown and takes 18 minutes. Base sale price for Pot Flour is 42 coins each.

LEVEL 3 MILL: At level ??, you can upgrade your mill to make 20 POT FLOUR. Upgrade takes ?? each bolts, gears and lumber, ?? coins, and takes ?? time. You then need to add another worker. To make 20 Pot Flour in the level 3 mill, ingredients are 28 Homegrown and takes 24 minutes. Base sale price for Pot Flour is 42 coins each.

LEVEL 4 MILL: At level 28, you can upgrade your mill to make BLONDE HASH. Upgrade takes 14 each bolts, gears and lumber, 480,000 coins, and takes 4 hours. You then need to add another worker. To make 1 Blonde Hash in the level 4 mill, ingredients are 30 Acapulco Gold (from mystery seeds) and takes 30 minutes. Base sale price for Blonde Hash is 3000 coins each.

LEVEL 5 MILL: At level 56, you can upgrade your mill to make RED HASH. Upgrade takes 16 each bolts, gears and lumber, 620,000 coins, and takes 5 hours. You then need to add another worker. To make 1 Red Hash in the level 5 mill, ingredients are 1 Blond Hash and 20 Panama Red (from mystery seeds) and takes 36 minutes. Base sale price for Red Hash is 2000 coins each.

Let's get buttered, dude!

The dairy is built on the right of your property between the pasture and the mill, directly east of your grow building. Once you build it, you'll need a worker. Workers show up on the farm and at the bus stop (across the street from your dispensary). Some workers will be for the dairy, others will be for the mill, bakery, etc.

Once you build it and get a worker, you'll be able to run it. It requires MILK from the DAIRY (and some buds). Every so many runs, you'll need to do maintenance. The meter in the upper left corner shows how close you are to needing maintenance. It will require some supplies and some time to fix and get running again.

Here's the DAIRY breakdown by level: (Updated 3/16/17))

LEVEL 1 DAIRY: At level ??, you can build a dairy to make 4 WEED BUTTER. Building takes ?? each hoses, lumber and power cords, ?? coins, and takes ?? time. You then need to add a worker. To make 4 Weed Butter in the level 1 dairy, ingredients are 3 maui milk (from Pasture) and 6 northern lights and takes 4 minutes 20 seconds. Base sale price for Weed Butter is 210 coins each.

LEVEL 2 DAIRY: At level 26, you can upgrade your dairy to make 36 ICE CREAM. Upgrade takes ?? each hoses, lumber and power cords, ?? coins, and takes ?? time. You then need to add another worker. To make 36 Ice Cream in the level 2 dairy, ingredients are 25 maui milk (from Pasture), 25 strawberry cough, and 5 OG kush and takes 2 hours 30 minutes. Base sale price for Ice Cream is 300 coins each.

LEVEL 3 DAIRY: At level ??, you can upgrade your dairy to make 12 CHOCO MILK. Upgrade takes 16 each hoses, lumber and power cords, 100,000 coins, and takes 12 hours. You then need to add another worker. To make 12 Choco Milk in the level 3 dairy, ingredients are 10 maui milk (from Pasture) and 10 Choco Chunk (from Mystery Seeds) and takes 10 minutes. Base sale price for Choco Milk is 420 coins each.

LEVEL 4 DAIRY: At level 40, you can upgrade your dairy to make 40 WEED BUTTER. Upgrade takes 24 each hoses, lumber and power cords, 420,000 coins, and takes 16 hours. You then need to add another worker. To make 40 Weed Butter in the level 4 dairy, ingredients are 18 maui milk (from Pasture), 24 northern lights, and 1 Super Silver Haze and takes 3 hours. Base sale price for Weed Butter is 210 coins each.

LEVEL 5 DAIRY: At level 50, you can upgrade your dairy to make 1 BANANA SPLIT. Upgrade takes 36 each hoses, lumber and power cords, 900,000 coins, and takes 20 hours. You then need to add another worker. To make 1 Banana Split in the level 5 dairy, ingredients are 2 ice cream (from Dairy), 2 brownies (from Bakery), 5 banana kush and takes 1 minute. Base sale price for Banana Split is ?? coins each.

Use flour to bake some bread!

The bakery is built in the left corner of your property between your storage and dispensary building. Once you build it, you'll need a worker. Workers show up on the farm and at the bus stop (across the street from your dispensary). Some workers will be for the bakery, others will be for the mill, dairy, etc.

Once you build it and get a worker, you'll be able to run it. It requires FLOUR from the MILL. Every so many runs, you'll need to do maintenance. The meter in the upper left corner shows how close you are to needing maintenance. It will require some supplies and some time to fix and get running again.

Here's the BAKERY breakdown by level: (Updated 3/16/17)

LEVEL 1 BAKERY: At level ??, you can build a bakery to make BUD BREAD. Building takes ?? each scales, baggies and fuses, ?? coins, and takes ?? hours. You then need to add a worker. To make Bud Bread in the level 1 bakery, ingredients are 4 pot flour (from Mill) and takes 20 minutes. Base sale price for Bud Bread is 60 coins each.

LEVEL 2 BAKERY: At level ??, you can upgrade your bakery to make SPACE CAKE. Upgrade takes ?? each scales, baggies and fuses, ?? coins, and takes ?? hours. You then need to add another worker. To make Space Cake in the level 2 bakery, ingredients are 2 weed butter (from Dairy), 6 purple kush, and 6 pot flour (from Mill) and takes 45 minutes. Base sale price for Space Cake is 160 coins each.

LEVEL 3 BAKERY: At level ??, you can upgrade your bakery to make BANANA BREAD. Upgrade takes ?? each scales, baggies and fuses, ?? coins, and takes ?? hours. You then need to add another worker. To make Banana Bread in the level 3 bakery, ingredients are 12 bud bread (from Bakery), 12 banana kush, and 3 maui milk (from Pasture) and takes 2 hours. Base sale price for Banana Bread is 290 coins each.

LEVEL 4 BAKERY: At level ??, you can upgrade your bakery to make BAKED CHEESE (grilled cheese sandwiches.) Upgrade takes ?? each scales, baggies and fuses, ?? coins, and takes ?? hours. You then need to add another worker. To make Baked Cheese in the level 4 bakery, ingredients are 1 bud bread (from Bakery), 1 OG cheese (from Mystery Seeds), and 1 OG kush and takes 2 minutes. Base sale price for Baked Cheese is 600 coins each.

LEVEL 5 BAKERY: At level 42, you can upgrade your bakery to make BROWNIES. Upgrade takes 20 each scales, baggies and fuses, 150,000 coins, and takes 16 hours. You then need to add another worker. To make Brownies in the level 5 bakery, ingredients are 16 choco chunk (from Mystery Seeds), 10 weed butter (from Dairy), and 12 pot flour (from Mill) and takes 30 minutes. Base sale price for Brownies is 420 coins each.

The Pasture produces MAUI MILK: (Updated 3/16/17)
Feed cows Maui Waui to make delicious milk!

The pasture is built on the right of your property just to the right and slightly up from your grow building. Once you build it, you'll need a worker (cow). Find cows above the pasture. (I've also seen cows show up at the bus stop across the street from your dispensary.)

Once you build it and get a worker, you'll be able to run it. It requires Maui Waui buds. Every so many runs, you'll need to do maintenance. The meter in the upper left corner shows how close you are to needing maintenance. It will require some supplies and some time to fix and get running again.

Here's the PASTURE breakdown by level: (updated 3/23/2017)

LEVEL 1 PASTURE: At level ??, you can build a pasture to make 10 MAUI MILK. Building takes ?? each lumber, power cords, and locks, ?? coins, and takes ?? time. You then need to add a worker. To make 10 Maui Milk in the level 1 pasture, ingredients are 8 maui waui and takes 1 hour. Base sale price for Maui Milk is 55 coins each.

LEVEL 2 PASTURE: At level ??, you can upgrade your pasture to make 20 MAUI MILK. Upgrade takes ?? each lumber, power cords, and locks, ?? coins, and takes ?? time. You then need to add another worker. To make 20 Maui Milk in the level 2 pasture, ingredients are 12 maui waui and 3 purple kush and takes 1 hour 15 minutes. Base sale price for Maui Milk is 55 coins each.

LEVEL 3 PASTURE: At level ??, you can upgrade your pasture to make 30 MAUI MILK. Upgrade takes ?? each lumber, power cords, and locks, ?? coins, and takes ?? time. You then need to add another worker. To make 30 Maui Milk in the level 3 pasture, ingredients are 20 maui waui and 6 purple kush and takes 1 hour 30 minutes. Base sale price for Maui Milk is 55 coins each.

LEVEL 4 PASTURE: At level 38, you can upgrade your pasture to make 40 MAUI MILK. Upgrade takes 24 each lumber, power cords, and locks, 420,000 coins, and takes 16 hours. You then need to add another worker. To make 40 Maui Milk in the level 4 pasture, ingredients are 25 maui waui and 9 purple kush and takes 1 hour 45 minutes. Base sale price for Maui Milk is 55 coins each.

LEVEL 5 PASTURE: At level 46, you can upgrade your pasture to make 50 MAUI MILK. Upgrade takes 24 each lumber, power cords, and locks, 420,000 coins, and takes 18 hours. You then need to add another worker. To make 50 Maui Milk in the level 5 pasture, ingredients are 32 maui waui and 12 purple kush and takes 2 hours. Base sale price for Maui Milk is 55 coins each.

SEED INFO: Here's info on the seeds you can purchase and grow.

LEGEND: Cost is in coins. Grow time is total grow time without watering or guano. Watering is an option to grow plants faster (and get more buds). (Guano grows plants instantly. The amount of guano needed to grow a plant is equal to the number of waterings remaining.)

NOTE: Achieving higher mastery levels for plants increases the base yield of buds per plant.

STASH: (Updated 3/16/17) As you progress through the game, you'll have the opportunity to upgrade your stash to hold more. If you run out of room, you will not be able to harvest any more plants until you sell some buds.

WATER PUMPS: (Updated 3/16/17)

LIGHTS: (Updated 3/23/17)

GENERATOR: (Updated 3/16/17) Each upgrade to the generator allows you to buy 2 additional pots.

POTS: (Updated 3/16/17)

Job Board (Vans) & Dispensary: The Job Board and the Dispensary are tools to dispense your buds.

The Job Board: You first get a van at level 2. The van allows you to sell your buds to "fill orders" that come in. This brings in coins and XP. Upgrading the van allows you to get more orders at one time. The level number represents the number of orders you can get.

The Dispensary unlocks at level 7. Once you build the dispensary, you'll be able to list excess parts and plants to sell to people. Upgrading it allows you to charge more for your products. The base price (what comes up when you go to sell something) stays the same, but the maximum you can charge increases. The increased maximum is expressed in a multiplier of the base price. (For example, with a level 5 dispensary, you can charge 2.0x (double) the base price for any item.)


level/orders unlock level upgrade cost upgrade time
1 - - -
2 ? 250 2 minutes
3 ? 500 10 minutes
4 ? 1,000 30 minutes
5 ? 5,000 1 hour
6 ? 10,000 2 hours
7 ? 50,000 3 hours
8 ? 100,000 4 hours
9 ? ? ?

DISPENSARY INFO: (Updated 3/16/17)

level unlock level sale multiplier upgrade cost upgrade time
1 7 1.6 - -
2 9 1.7 ? ?
3 13 1.8 ? ?
4 16 1.9 ? ?
5 19 2.0 18,000 8 hours
6 ? 2.1 42,000 12 hours
7 24 2.2 110,000 18 hours
8 24 2.3 210,000 1 day
9 27 2.4 ? ?
10 ?? 2.5 ? ?
11 ?? 2.55 ? ?
12 ?? 2.6 420,000 1 day and 8 hours
13 ?? 2.65 ? ?
14 ?? 2.7 ? ?
15 ?? 2.75 ? ?
16 ?? 2.8 420,000 1 day 8 hours
17 ?? 2.85 420,000 1 day 8 hours
18 ?? 2.9 420,000 1 day 8 hours
19 43 2.95 420,000 1 day 8 hours
20 45 3.0 420,000 1 day 8 hours
21 47 3.05 420,000 1 day 8 hours


The following list shows the "base price" for items sold through the dispensary. This is the price in coins that comes up as the default when you go to sell an item. When you're shopping on Floydslist, you can use this to see what kind of a deal your getting.

It also shows the pot buck price for each item. Pot buck prices are the amount you'll pay to do an upgrade if you don't have the item(s) needed.

(To speed up an upgrade, it costs 1 pot buck per 5 minutes of time you'll save.)

item base price cost to upgrade
without it
used for
Baggies 200 coins 2 pot bucks stash, bakery
Gear 200 coins 2 pot bucks water pump
Hose 200 coins 2 pot bucks water pump
Bolt 300 coins 3 pot bucks grow light
Lock 300 coins 3 pot bucks stash
Nails 400 coins 4 pot bucks storage
Boxes 500 coins 5 pot bucks storage
Power Cord 600 coins 6 pot bucks generator
Bulb 600 coins 6 pot bucks grow light
Duct Tape 600 coins 6 pot bucks storage
Filter 800 coins 8 pot bucks water pump
Fuse 1000 coins 10 pot bucks generator
Scale 1600 coins 16 pot bucks stash
Timer 2000 coins 20 pot bucks grow light
Gas Can 2400 coins 24 pot bucks generator, removing trees
Lumber 1200 coins 12 pot bucks dairy, bakery, mill

NOTE: Get LUMBER by removing trees from your farm. Different types of trees require different amounts of gas cans to remove and give different amount of lumber when removed.

STORAGE: (Updated 3/16/17)

You use storage in Grass Roots to store parts in for upgrading items. Some parts are easier to come by than others. As you progress in the game you'll be able to expand your storage to hold more.

storage level unlock level capacity boxes nails tape time
1 1 ?? 0 0 0 0
2 ?? 12 2 0 0 30 sec
3 ?? 18 3 2 0 1 min 30 sec
4 ?? 24 5 5 0 ???
5 ?? 36 7 7 0 ???
6 ?? 48 12 12 4 5 min
7 16 76 14 14 8 45 min
8 16 88 15 15 15 1 hr
9 16 110 20 20 20 1 hr 30 min
10 16 122 20 20 20 3 hours
11 16 134 25 25 25 6 hours
12 ?? 146 30 30 30 ???
13 ?? 158 35 35 35 ???
14 ?? 170 15 8 6 2 hours 30 minutes +34,000 coins
18 ?? 218 ?? ?? ?? ? hours +??,000 coins
19 ?? 230 15 15 15 7 hours +80,000 coins
27 ?? 315 24 10 7 3 hours +40,000 coins
28 ?? 320 15 15 15 16 hours +256,000 coins
29 ?? 325 ?? ?? ?? ?? hours +??? coins
30 ?? 330 15 15 15 18 hours +297,000 coins
31 ?? 335 15 15 15 19 hours +318,000 coins
32 ?? 340 15 15 15 ? hours +340,000 coins
33 ?? 345 15 15 15 22 hours +345,000 coins


level XP to reach Receive
2 30 5 100 coins, 2 baggies Maui Waui
3 ??? 5 3 hoses Hose, Water Pump Level 2
4 100 5 1 bulb, 1 box Northern Lights, Bulb, Grow Light Level 2
5 200 5 1 baggies Lock, Gear
6 350 5 1 power cord OG Kush, Power Cord, Generator Level 2
7 500 5 1 lock Nails, Dispensary Level 1
8 600 5 25 guano Purple Kush, Water Pump Level 3
9 1,000 5 1 bulb Dispensary Level 2
10 1,500 8 1 baggies Stash Level 6
11 2,000 8 1 fuse Pineapple Express, Fuse, Generator Level 3, Stash Level 7, Stash Level 8
12 3,000 8 1 lock bolt, grow light level 3
13 4,000 8 1 nails Dispensary Level 3
14 5,800 10 1 boxes, 1 baggies scale, stash level 9, stash level 10
15 7,200 10 2 bolt Strawberry Cough
16 10,000 10 1 bulb, 1 duct tape duct tape, dispensary level 4, stash level 11 and 12, storage levels 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.
17 14,000 10 1 filter filters, pump level 4
18 20,000 10 1 scale gas can
19 26,000 10 1 gas can Dispensary level 5, Generator level 4
20 33,000 10 1 duct tape Banana Kush
21 41,000 10 1 gas can ???
22 50,000 10 1 gas can timers, grow light level 4
23 60,000 15 1 fuse, 1 boxes Stash levels 13, 14 and 15
24 71,000 15 1 bulb, 1 gas can Dispensary levels 7 and 8
25 83,000 10 1 gas can ???
26 100,000 15 Generator Level 5
27 125,000 15 ??? Dispensary level 9
28 200,000 ??? ??? ???
45 1,200,000 ??? ??? ???
56 ??? ??? 4 timers, 4 hoses, 2 filters Mill level 5, Panama Red (Mystery Seed), Red Hash

Quests: First added May 27, 2014, quests allow you to do stuff to earn xp, guano, pot bucks and some other goodies. Click on Uncle Floyd on the upper left corner of your farm. There are at least 39 quests currently available as listed below.

These are consecutive quests. Complete one to open up the next one.

Trapdoor "quests": The trapdoor opened on ??DATE?? and asks for weed and parts. You're asked for a bunch of things in return for various rewards. Upon completion, you get ROACHY RACCOON. See below for more info.

Unlike QUESTS, these aren't rewards for doing things. You're actually trading the requirements for the rewards. It's similar to selling things from the job board, the requirements aren't always buds.

The following is what I've seen as a level 21 player. I'm not sure if this is different depending on level or when things may unlock.

# requirements reward
125 Pineapple Express300 xp
260 Pineapple Express, 60 OG Kush10 pot bucks
3150 Strawberry Cough750 xp
4100 Pineapple Express, 100 Strawberry Cough10 pot bucks
5150 Homegrown, 150 Purple Kush1000 xp
610 Locks, 10 Power Cords, 10 Filters25 pot bucks
7150 Maui Waui, 150 Purple Kush, 3 Gas Cans2000 xp
8250 Banana Kush30 pot bucks
9120 Pineapple Express, 120 Strawberry Cough, 120 Banana Kush3500 xp
10190 Pineapple Express, 190 Banana Kush, 10 Gas CansROACHY RACCOON

Roachy Raccoon: After completing the 10 trapdoor quests above, Roachy Raccoon starts hanging out on the stairs. Click on him to see what he wants. When you've got everything he wants in your stash, click on him again and click the confirm button in the lower right. He'll disappear for 5 minutes and come back to the stairs with a bag of GUANO. Click it to collect. He then goes to sleep for 4 hours. After that, you can repeat the process.

Originally, Roachy gave all sorts of things, but in early 2016, they made him give only Guano.