the site Pot Farm called..."the best and most comprehensive Pot Farm site on the vast interwebs!"
Fan page with info on every item and every seed ever released in Pot Farm and MUCH MORE!
Follow Guru Steve @potfarminfoPot Farm shut down Dec 11, 2019 at 4pm PST.
Due partly to the upcoming change away from flash and the fact that the game was no longer profitable, the developers sadly decided to end the game. Cash purchases were turned off November 13 and the game was shut down on December 11, 2019. See also their video announcement of shutdown and announcement on their Facebook page. See also: A word from East Side Games | Pot Farm Commemoration Stream | Some terrible jingles: Thank You Pot Farm, Pot Farm Influencer Jingle, Big Pig Fat Bat Jingle.
Thank you to those who have been kind enough to support my work over the years.
Tips and Tricks: (mostly unedited tips from fellow players, in no particular order)
What's this about a "Quest Garden"? /pftips#tip002
I recommend maintaining a "quest garden". Plant mystery & jackpot seeds (especially when asked to for a quest). Harvest only the garbage, leaving just the premium stuff. That way, when you need something for a quest, you'll have it ready to harvest. See a cool example and
Likewise, if you get munchie plants from crates or as giveaways from the devs, hold on to them. Even better than a munchie garden (which takes up space on your farm), I recommend not planting those munchie plants you get in your gift box until you need them for a quest.
Can I play Pot Farm on my iPhone, iPad, Android, tablet, etc.? /pftips#tip003
Yes! Check out the Puffin Browser. It's great for playing Pot Farm! Discuss Puffin Browser.
Planting sharable crops /pftips#tip290
Hoarding is great, but so is sharing! Devote a plot on your garden 5 rows down by 10 rows wide. Plant from top to bottom and change sharable seeds every row so when you're done you'll have ten rows of different seeds (9x 4x 10x 3x 20x). When the plants are ready, harvest the bottom row across and post all ten seeds. Then, refresh your browser and do the next row. 5 refreshes and you have put up 50 posts. Think how easy it would be to max out gifts if everyone did this.
Having problems visiting neighbors? Try starting your computer in safe mode with networking and then visit them. It's been reported to help!
Quest tip for using things from your gift box: /pftips#tip010
DO NOT complete the "use from gifts" requirement of a quest until you have enough and have completed all the other requirements for the quest. If you've used 9000 toward the 10000 needed, when the quest expires you get nothing and you've wasted 9000 that you could have used for the next quest that comes out.
Try not to sell things that you need later /pftips#tip020
When starting out, try not to sell things that you need later to make hemp ale, pot corn, brownies, etc. When you get to the level to buy the equipment you're ready to start manufacturing immediately if it's in your stash.
Buy FREE stuff for opposite sex avatars /pftips#tip030
Buy FREE stuff for opposite sex avatars. This makes it easier to earn your buying awards!
Bears Bears and more Bears... /pftips#tip040
Protection can be a lot of money in the beginning so get as many Bears as possible from Mystery Critter Gifts. Slowly begin to sell them off as protection gets cheaper and takes less land usage as you level up.
Be a Hoarder! /pftips#tip060
Only ever sell stuff from your stash if you actually need the coins to buy something else. You never know when they'll bring a new contraption out, or a quest that requires you to sell something or produce from a contraption. If you do have to sell, try to keep the stuff that takes AGES to grow, or just sell some of what you have, not all of it.
The same goes for your gift box, only click use on what you need, leave the rest there for future quests. For example, I have over 3000 cocoa pods in my gift box. I only use 500 at a time when I run out in my stash. If you keep rare critters in there too you can save a lot of storage space, never know when you might need those.
Assorted Tips /pftips#tip080
You can get fans for hydroponics from visiting neighbors. I get 2-4 every day from that. I know that with a lot of people visiting is a pain in the ass because every dozen (or less) farms you visit it freezes and you have to reload. I'm having the same issue and have reported it but it persists. I recommend primarily visiting lower level neighbors, it freezes a lot less with them. But even if it can be annoying, it's often worth it with the cool shit you get.
With all the free shit Pot Farm has been giving away, check the fan page as often as you can so you don't miss links before they expire.
Save bat guano for stuff that takes the longest to grow. Don't waste it on something that only takes 5 minutes! Being a little patient can really save resources!
If you buy pot bucks, the cheapest way to get the most is to buy facebook credits and spend all of them on jackpot seeds. Not only do you get the fun of planting all the jackpots, but even with acapulco and panama red every time I've done this I've ended up with more pot bucks for less money than if I had just straight up bought the pot bucks.
A mistake I made in the beginning was buying stuff just for the xp and turning around and selling it. I wasted a lot of coins this way. Keep in mind that in higher levels you're gonna unlock items that cost up to 99,000,000!
I also recommend always growing at least some contraptions ingredients. I have spots on my farm reserved just for corn or just for hemp, etc.
Collect and store (or keep in gift box) critters as much as possible. You never know when they'll be needed for quests. I already had 12 Dopey Ducks when the hydroponics quest came out. This goes for pot heads, too.
Before going to sleep: /pftips#tip090
Try not to leave your contraptions on your farm over night. While yes they give you a daily coin award for the following day, the space they take up is far more valuable for growing. So use them, then store them when finished.
Try and plant seeds according to what you have planned for the day, and your access to Pot Farm. Don't plant a 1 hour seed if can't havarst it in an hour. If you know your going to be away from Pot Farm for 8 hours, try and plant an 8 hour seed. Grow time is valuable man!
assorted /pftips#tip100
I collect and store products from news feed and trade them in for puff puff passes, I haven't had to buy any for months now. Your potbucks can then be used for more important items such as bat guano or that elusive item. Happy farming!
Don't spend money on protection that you don't need. While having high protection is good, so Ranger Dick don't bust you, having too much protection takes away from harvesting more plants due to it being taken up by the extra protection you have. Plus you're spending the extra coins, when on lower levels are much more precious that on higher levels.
Another Tip is AWARD & GROUP PAGES!!! While not everyone wants to be a part of 10 or so groups have at least one good reliable group that post things that are FREE and from the Pot Farm Fan Page.
Guru note: Rather than a GROUP that reposts things from the Pot Farm Fan page (I repost such things myself on THIS group!), I recommend players checking the fan page directly (as Ariel had suggested). Simply click Fans in the game to go there. They're having contests and giving away free stuff all the time!
Guru note: Also, when choosing a group, players should check to see how many facebook credit scam posts are there. If there are a lot, the admins are probably not involved and won't be very helpful in answering questions. It's frustrating for me seeing players flocking to groups that don't actually do anything when I work so hard to answer questions and provide help here.
Puff Puff Tip: /pftips#tip110
Run several different contraptions on your farm, so you can get puff puff passes for nearly all different contraption products. You can also get many of these products off the news feed. This can get you EIGHT full refills. Also, try to remember to buy all the refills every day whether you need them or not. This way, you can build up a good supply of them.
contraptions for leveling /pftips#tip130
once you get to a point where you are truly just trying to level up, grow crops for contraptions first and foremost. I have a list of what I need to grow for each contraption and make sure I have a stock pile in my stash at all times. I try and make stuff on my farm every day...best for experience points vs your time spent. Also DO NOT SELL OFF YOUR STUFF UNLESS YOU ARE STRAPPED FOR COIN. Every 24 hours you can trade in your stuff for Puff Puff...I never run out of Puff Puff that way...its so helpful when you have your full land or hydro shacks/bunkers...If you need cash, try and keep at least 10 trade ins of each item in your stash...sell the rest...and make some more!
several contraptions /pftips#tip160
This tip is for the pothead quest "punk in drublic"...instead of using one brewery, i bought 10 & collected from each 10 times....made it a quick simple way to collect all you needed in a shorter time.
save save save /pftips#tip170
Save some OG Kush in your gift box rather than growing every last one. We've found that seasonal quests often require some old plants that aren't readily available any more. It's a little late now for the old stuff, but if you save some OG Kush in your gift box, you'll be prepared when the next theme comes out and a quest wants you to grow some.
protection /pftips#tip180
If you are purchasing protection look at how much protection it gives you vs. how many spaces it takes up. Sometime it is more protection to have bears take up those same number of spaces.
Between Themes /pftips#tip190
When you have no quests, or your quests are for growing only plants you have limited quantities of (i.e. "Quest for Moi" growing Chocolate Chunk). Focus on growing plants for contraptions, and awards. The awards often give you a lot of coins, xp and even some pot bucks.
visit neighbors /pftips#tip200
to gain past experience.you need a lot of neighbors. visit them every 8 hours. you can get guano's panama red acapulco gold alaska thunderfucd and more. it give's you also a xp per neighbor you visit.
another recommendation for hoarding /pftips#tip240
I feel that it is important that players, especially new players collect and keep the items created by the contraptions from the news feed for the quest where they have to sell items and may have trouble producing them on their own. Collect all the items created by the pigs to use in some of the contraptions in higher levels.
Also collect the plants that cannot be bought from the store like the Christmas kush, the Acapulco golds, Pineapple Punch and the Danny Boy, also the Chocolate Chunk which can't be readily purchased in the store unless you purchase the Mystery or the Jackpot seeds.
Guru note: And to expand on that, players should hold on to some seasonal seeds after a theme is gone. A need often comes up for them in later quests.
quest strategy /pftips#tip260
Use the quest page on Pot Farm Info to plan what you're going to plant & when. Doing this will allow you to have at least a good portion, if not all, of the plants needed for a quest ready for harvest as soon as you unlock the quest so that you can just breeze right through them.
On top of that, the earlier quests in a series will often give you some of the seeds or items that you'll need for quests farther along in the series. Checking the quests page on Pot Farm Info will allow you to figure out which items you can use right away & which ones you should save for the quests later in the series.
PROTECTION: Be a bad ass! /pftips#tip270
It's a hassle, but instead of worrying about space/protection... Just don't use it. Yes, Ranger Dick shows up, but just hit the play button at the top of the game and keep going :) You don't lose any crop (usually).
watch for freebies /pftips#tip280
check the fan page at http://www.facebook.com/potfarm at LEAST twice daily. During quests they give out tons of free seeds/items.
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This site is NOT affiliated with Facebook, Pot Farm on Facebook, LDRLY Games or EastSide Games. However, all content is used with appropriate permission by original authors. That permission does NOT extend to anyone copying from this site.