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the site Pot Farm called..."the best and most comprehensive Pot Farm site on the vast interwebs!"

Fan page with info on every item and every seed ever released in Pot Farm and MUCH MORE!

Pot Farm shut down Dec 11, 2019 at 4pm PST.

Due partly to the upcoming change away from flash and the fact that the game was no longer profitable, the developers sadly decided to end the game. Cash purchases were turned off November 13 and the game was shut down on December 11, 2019. See also their video announcement of shutdown and announcement on their Facebook page. See also: A word from East Side Games | Pot Farm Commemoration Stream | Some terrible jingles: Thank You Pot Farm, Pot Farm Influencer Jingle, Big Pig Fat Bat Jingle.

Thank you to those who have been kind enough to support my work over the years.

ITEMS > Products:

CLICK A PRODUCT for more info about it! "G" indicates a product can be sent as a gift. "T" indicates it can be traded for Puff Passes. (The number to the right of the T indicates how many are required for the trade.)

The following harvested plant can also be traded for puff passes:

Products are items which are used in the game, but cannot actually be placed on your farm. Products cannot be purchased in the store. (A pot buck price listed indicates how much it costs if you choose to buy it when needed as a part for building instead of mooching it.) Some are generated by contraptions. Some are ingredients for contraptions. Some are gifts. Some are used to build hydroponic structures and other items requiring building. Many quests require using or selling products. (You USE items from your gift box. You SELL items from your stash.)

For complete details on a product, CLICK an image (or text link on the right). To share information on a specific product, click the picture (or text link), then click the blue "share" link.

Dragon ShatterMint GumdropCinnamon BunsCBD CookiesHash CakeFruitcake HashGreen GumdropRed GumdropPurple GumdropStardustSmoresGuitar Strings PackGuitar PicksShrimpPot Farm BittersToy Buzzed BeaverToy Dopey DuckToy Ripped RaccoonToy Dozy BunnyCoalGravyPurple HashPurple PogOrange PogGreen PogGold PogRed TokenBlack TokenViking ShieldFormula 420KiefGlass BongPurple ArrowShatterWaxBudderHoney OilBall GagChum BucketCannonballsPirate BootyGrog BarrelBlack PearlHangover CureMulled WineStuffingSanta LetterBucket of GooZombieBrainsCultistsDoobloonSmoothieSlidersDragon SnaxMeatCuppa CoffeeTacosBong WaterGreen HashPearlValentines CardIce CubesPink HashOrange HashBlue HashTicketDamageCoffee BeansMagic GlueMagic BeansGold NuggetsTequilaGroupiesRadiationDilithium THCKetchupShovelSalty NutsGroovy TunesCigarette ButtsElvesBricksHemp MilkScrooges DiaryChristmas CookiesWinter AleCandy CanesChristmas LightsLumberToilet PaperMatchesEctoplasmCursed Beaver PawIR Surveillance CameraSheet MetalTurbo GeneratorHigh Output LampSuper FanWrenchSpark PlugsDicks NotesRain WaterRed HashBlack HashBlue PotionOrange PotionPufflersPuffle PileEnerchron CubesAlien ProbeFancy BoozeFancy SnacksPuff Puff PassBat GuanoBone MealCandlesCarrotsCharcoal FilterChicken BloodChocolate EggsChocolate SyrupClothesFanFeathersFlower PetalsGeneratorGrow LightPaint (blue, red, yellow)Second BreakfastSnowSurveillance CameraTwigs and CoalVoodoo BonesWater PumpBlonde HashBrowniesCaramel CornChampagneChocolatesCocoa PodGreen Voodoo PotionHemp OilLove OilNachosPot ScotchPotcornPurple Voodoo PotionRed Voodoo PotionRosesSweet LoveWineMardi Gras BeadsPot HeadsHemp AleChoco MilkDank MilkGold BaconTruffleOld Can of Dog FoodSilver SprayChoco Crispy TreatDank Crispy TreatRainbow Crispy TreatFishman CultistsIncantationsDragon SkullDragon ClawDragon WingDragon TailCrystalineYellow HashWhite SausageWrapping PaperSocksPrune JuiceFruit CakeResinlutionsBlack SludgeTokemon KeychainShot O WhiskeyReefer's Pieces

Pot Farm Info Site Map:

Pot Farm Info | 420 rally pix | About PFI | Awards/Trophies | Cast | Contraptions | Corrections | Crates | Critters | Daily Bread | Donations | Dynamic Seeds | Eggs | FAQ | FREE STUFF | Gifting | Glossary | GridClicker | HUD (Heads Up Display) | Hydroponics | Idiots Guide to PF | Items ( New | Improved) | Land Upgrades | Leveling | Memorial | Mystery Gifts | Mystery Seeds | NEWS | Pot Heads | Products | Quests ( TutorialCurrentChronicExpired) | Rally Events | Rally Gear | Rally Groups | Rally Quests | Repeaters | SEARCH | Search History | Seeds | Sharing | Shoutouts from Pot Farm | Old Shoutouts from Pot Farm | Site Map | Slide Show of Items | Storage | Themes | Time | Tips & Tricks

Pot Farm Info on Social Media:

PFI Facebook Group | PFI Facebook Page | PFI on TWITTER | PFI YouTube Page

Pot Farm developer pages:

PF on Facebook | PF on Twitter | PF on Instagram

Copyright 2010-2025, Pot Farm Info

This site is NOT affiliated with Facebook, Pot Farm on Facebook, LDRLY Games or EastSide Games. However, all content is used with appropriate permission by original authors. That permission does NOT extend to anyone copying from this site.