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the site Pot Farm called..."the best and most comprehensive Pot Farm site on the vast interwebs!"

Fan page with info on every item and every seed ever released in Pot Farm and MUCH MORE!

Pot Farm shut down Dec 11, 2019 at 4pm PST.

Due partly to the upcoming change away from flash and the fact that the game was no longer profitable, the developers sadly decided to end the game. Cash purchases were turned off November 13 and the game was shut down on December 11, 2019. See also their video announcement of shutdown and announcement on their Facebook page. See also: A word from East Side Games | Pot Farm Commemoration Stream | Some terrible jingles: Thank You Pot Farm, Pot Farm Influencer Jingle, Big Pig Fat Bat Jingle.

Thank you to those who have been kind enough to support my work over the years.

RALLY Quests: (AKA "Star Rally")

ABOUT RALLY QUESTS: (AKA "Star Challenges")

Rally (team) Quests were first introduced on March 5, 2015. A rally quest is something that you and your whole rally works toward. It's like a giant rally (event) that your entire rally participates in. These are not competitive at all. You are not competing against other rallies to get the prize first. You don't have to rush through them. Every rally quest you complete you get a star. The more stars you get, the bigger prizes you earn.

Read below for the info the devs sent out in a VIP email in March, 2015. Scroll down even further for complete details about the quests themselves.


Like the quests Uncle Floyd gives out, Rally Quests will feature a number of tasks to complete, including an awesome prize waiting for you at the end. There's one major difference however: all Rally Team members contribute towards the the same time! For example, if we ask you to harvest, say, 50 Hemp, then each member of a 50-person Rally could harvest just 1 Hemp to complete the goal! On the other other hand, if not everyone had time, one generous person could harvest 50 hemp, and voila! So don't be afraid when you see us ask you to harvest thousands of plants instead of hundreds, since everyone is contributing to the outcome of Rally Quests.

When the Rally Quest Task is complete, everyone in the Rally immediately receives the prize shown on the left of that task, and the Rally gains a star towards a grand prize. Grand prize, you ask!? Well, you see, after completing enough Rally Quest tasks, your Rally earn enough stars to be given a grand prize, awarded when the Rally Quest timer hits 0. Keep in mind, though, only one Grand Prize is awarded at the end of the Rally Quest. For example, if Grand Prize A Requires 3 stars, while Grand Prize B needs 6, and your Rally earned 6 stars before the time ran out? You'll al be awarded Grand Prize B! By giving out the grand prize with the most stars, you're always guaranteed to get the very best items available.

Inside tip, VIP farmer: It may be a good idea for you and your fellow Rally friends to get together beforehand to brainstorm and divide up the Rally tasks between yourselves in order to ensure that the best grand prize will be yours!

A Rally Quest will both start and end at an exact time of day, just like the regular Rally Event. The grand prize for the Rally Quest will be awarded at the end of this time. To kick things off, we're going to keep things simple for the first set of Rally Quests, and only require plants that are already available in the store. The prizes will consist of all the lovely seeds you'll need to stock up on munchies and Puff Puff.


A new, exciting way of boosting your Rally's farming abilities. Find them conveniently to the right of each Rally Quest task. Simply click the Rally Chest button to buy a shiny treasure chest stuffed to the brim with helpful products.

Once you've been lucky enough to snag one, you'll see the Rally Chest open in all its glory, and deliver the contents directly into your gift box...but that's not all! Upon purchase, a smaller, individual-sized portion of that same item will be sent to each of the other members of your Rally as an added bonus! And if they receive it and choose to buy one too!? Then you'll receive the same benefit in return. This way, we hope to encourage people to get excited and show kindness and motivation to everyone in their Rally.

Rally Quest Banner


RALLY QUESTS : June 26, 2019 - July 3, 2019: "?" Rally Challenge

These were to be part of the Canada Day / Independence Day theme. They were set to begin June 26, 2019, but the devs ran into some problems. Check out their VIDEO ANNOUNCEMENT for urgent info.

RALLY QUESTS : April 24, 2019 - May 1, 2019: "420 2019" Rally Challenge

These are part of the 420 2019 theme. They run from April 24, 2019 - May 1, 2019. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are repeating quests to earn seeds needed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvest Swamp Skunk
  • Harvest Puffula Trees
  • Harvest Tangerine Dream
  • Feed Big Pigs
  • Plant Jackpot Seeds

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

14 stars gets you the improved Thingamajigger.Top prize (15 stars) is the Wakey Bakey Big Pig.

RALLY QUESTS : February 13, 2019 - February 20, 2019: "Valentines 2019" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Valentines 2019 theme. They run from February 13, 2019 - February 20, 2019. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are repeating quests to earn seeds needed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvest Chocolate Chunk
  • Harvest Mango Haze
  • Plant Mystery Seeds
  • Feed Big Pigs
  • Plant Jackpot Seeds

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is the new Box of Chocolates Hydro.

RALLY QUESTS : December 26, 2018 - January 2, 2019: "New Years 2018" Rally Challenge

These are part of the New Years 2018 theme. They run from December 26, 2018 - January 2, 2019. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are repeating quests to earn seeds needed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvest Chestnut Nugs
  • Harvest Champagne Grapes
  • Plant Mystery Seeds
  • Feed Big Pigs
  • Plant Jackpot Seeds

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

12 stars gets you a Xmas Liquor Store Hydro. Top prize (15 stars) is an updated contraption, Folklore Spirit Journey.

RALLY QUESTS : October 31 - November 6, 2018: "Spooky Slots" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Halloween 2018 theme. They run from October 31 - November 6, 2018. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Plant Trick or Treats (seeds)
  • Harvest Bloody Mary
  • Harvest Apotcalypse
  • Harvest Grim Reefer
  • Harvest Halloween
  • Feed Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new contraption, Wheel of Haunted Fortune.

RALLY QUESTS : August 29 - September 5, 2018: "Main Stage Headliner" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Music Fest 2018 theme. They run from August 29 - September 5, 2018. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvest Brain Warp
  • Harvest Acapulco Gold
  • Feed Tequila Distillery (available from Support Quest)
  • Harvest Roachella Reefer
  • Feed Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have [DAYS] days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new greenhouse. The Portapotty Greenhouse has 500 capacity of plant storage on 2 spaces.

RALLY QUESTS : July 18-25, 2018: "Summer Trippin" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Summer Trippin theme. They run from July 18-25, 2018. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvest Aussie Blues
  • Harvest Brain Warp
  • Harvest Mental Floss
  • Harvest Mystic Keys (Key Vine plants in Mystery Seeds)
  • Feed Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have [DAYS] days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new piece of rally gear, Buggin Out Bag offering +57 bonus.

RALLY QUESTS : June 20-27, 2018: "Totally Enchanted" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Enchanted Fables theme. They run from June 20-27, 2018. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • PLANT 7 Strains Seed
  • Harvest Grumpy Ganja
  • Harvest Dopey Doobs
  • Harvest Danky Doc
  • Feed Bashful Bud

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have [DAYS] days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new contraption, Unicorn Big Pig, that turns Jelly Beans and puff puff into snackpot seeds.

The 12 star prize is notable as well. It's the level 1 enchanted carriage. Level 1 and 2 give Enchanted Crates and the level 3 enchanted carriage now gives both an Enchanted Crate and a Mystical Crystal Crate every 12 hours!

RALLY QUESTS : May 9-16, 2018: "Cruisin' Time" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Cruise Night theme. They run from May 9-16, 2018. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvest Burnout Bud
  • Harvest Premium Unleaded
  • Harvest Time Warp
  • Harvest Pizza
  • Feed Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have [DAYS] days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new contraption, Pot Fink Big Pig, that turns pizza and puff puff into black token plants.

RALLY QUESTS : March 28 - April 4, 2018: "Sci Fiction" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Sci-Fi 2018 theme. They run from March 28 - April 4, 2018. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvest ORION Nebula Nugs
  • Harvest BLUE Nebula Nugs
  • Harvest Romulan Grapefruit
  • Plant Mystery Seeds
  • Feed Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have [DAYS] days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new contraption, Dankgate.

RALLY QUESTS : February 14-21, 2018: "Love and Lust!" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Valentine's 2018 theme. They run from February 14-21, 2018. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvest Love Potion
  • Feed Super Love Oil Press
  • Harvest Lust Kush
  • Collect Love Oil
  • Feed Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new contraption, Cupid Big Pig.

RALLY QUESTS : December 13-20, 2017: "Tis the Season to Rally" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Christmas 2017 theme. They run from December 13-20, 2017. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members get the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvest Naughty Nugs
  • Harvest Nice Nugs
  • Harvest Coal Kush
  • Harvest Gingerbread
  • Feed Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 3 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new contraption, Folklore Spirit Journey.

RALLY QUESTS : October 25 - November 1, 2017: "Misery" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Halloween 2017 theme. They ran from October 25 - November 1, 2017. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

You can find the needed theme weed in Surprise seeds. You can also do the rally support quests to earn Weedful Things Sacks which grow Pennywise, Firestarter and Salem's Pot. These quests repeat after completing them! Weedful Things Sacks are also available in the store.

There are awards for...

  • Harvest Pennywise
  • Harvest Firestarter
  • Harvest Salem's Pot
  • Harvest Chronergy Drink
  • Feed Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 3 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new repeater, Church. For 12 stars, you get the new Talisman Greenhouse (142 capaicty on just 1 space).

RALLY QUESTS : September 8-11, 2017: "Reef'n Rall-y" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Music Fest 2017 theme. They ran from September 8-11, 2017. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvesting Shuffle Sativa
  • Harvesting Backstage Bud
  • Harvesting Groovy Tunes
  • Harvesting Chronergy Drink
  • Feeding Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 3 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new Dank Punk Pyramid (contraption).

RALLY QUESTS : July 26 - August 2, 2017: "Voyage Through The Stars" Rally Challenge

These are part of the Space Voyage theme. They ran from July 26 - August 2, 2017. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvesting Orion Nebula
  • Harvesting Blue Nebula
  • Harvesting Romulan Grapefruit
  • Planting Mystery Seeds
  • Planting Jackpot Seeds
  • Feeding Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize (15 stars) is a new Interstellar RV Hydro (4 levels. Up to 1750 capacity on 9 spaces.)

Also, for 12 stars, there's a new Galaxy Hitchhiker (Stardust repeater.)

RALLY QUESTS : June 9-14, 2017: "Rally Like an Egyptian" Rally Challenge

These are part of the 2017 Egyptian theme. They ran from June 9-14, 2017. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvesting Yellow Brick Bud (in Surprise Seeds and Store)
  • Feeding Yellow Hash Press (NOT "Blond") (Earn press from quest)
  • Harvesting Kings Kush (in Store for coins)
  • Harvesting Gold Bud (in Jackpot Seeds)
  • Feeding Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 5 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize is a new Sarcoughagus Hydro (750 capacity on 4 spaces.)

RALLY QUESTS : May 5-10, 2017: "Cinco de Mayo Rally Challenge"

These are part of the Cinco de Mayo theme. They ran from May 5-10, 2017. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvesting Mexican
  • Harvesting Tumbleweed
  • Harvesting Corn
  • Harvesting Tacos
  • Collecting Tequila from contraptions
  • Harvesting Acapulco Gold
  • Feeding Big Pigs

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 5 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize is a new Adoobie House Storage (2700 capacity on 9 spaces.)

RALLY QUESTS : March 29 - April 5, 2017: "Juganji Rally Challenge"

These are part of the Juganji (Jumanji) theme. They ran from March 29 - April 5, 2017. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Harvesting Roll 'em Kush (in the store, and hopefully you got some from recent quests)
  • Feeding Blue, Orange and Pink Hash Presses (available in the store)
  • Harvesting Jack Herrer
  • Feeding Big Pigs (available in store as "big pig initial".)

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize is a new Parrish Home Hydro (hydro with 2300 capacity on 16 spaces.)

RALLY QUESTS : February 15 - February 22, 2017: "Dr. Spliff's Rally Challenge"

These are part of the Dr Spliff (Dr Seuss) theme. They ran from Febuary 15 - February 22, 2017. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for...

  • Feeding Thingamajigger (contraption available from easy quests)
  • Collecting Caramel Corn (from contraption: Caramel Cornifier)
  • Harvesting Bacon, Truffles, Gingerbread
  • Harvesting Green Egg & Ham (from Egg Plants)

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize is a new Katiroo Marijuana Zoo (plant storage.)

RALLY QUESTS : January ?? - February 3, 2017: "Blazetona 420"

These are part of the NASCAR theme. They ran from January ?? - February 3, 2017. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for Wrench Reefer, Hashcar Nugs, Mystery Seeds, Jackpot Seeds, and feeding Big Pigs.

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize is a new Wrecked Car (repeater.)

RALLY QUESTS : December 14-21, 2016: "Xmas 2016"

These are part of the 2016 Christmas theme. They ran from December 14-21, 2016. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for Garland Ganja, Snowball Sativa, Chestnut Nugs, Mystery Seeds, Jackpot Seeds, and feeding Big Pigs.

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prize is a new Santa Big Pig (contraption).

RALLY QUESTS : August 24-31, 2016: "Star Gazing"

These are part of the 2016 Sci-Fi theme. They ran from August 24-31, 2016. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

There are awards for Spice Weed, OG Skywalker, Mystery Seeds, Jackpot Seeds, and feeding Big Pigs.

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prizes are Alien Big Pig Hybrid (contraption), 420th Element Taxi Hydro (new hydro), and Photon Torpedo Coffin (new storage).

RALLY QUESTS : June 22-29, 2016: "It's a Walkabout, Mate!"

These are part of the 2016 Australian theme. They ran from June 22-29, 2016. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

Top prizes are Pile of Cubes Poop and Walkabout. New items associated with these rally quests are in the store: Aussie Rules Rugby Team (repeater) and Shrimp on the Barbie (contraption).

RALLY QUESTS : April 20-27, 2016.

These are part of the 2016 Close Encounters of the 420 Kind theme. They ran from April 20-27, 2016. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

You don't do the quests by yourself! Work together WITH your rally to harvest/plant/etc until you fill the bar and achieve a star! As long as your team achieves a star, AND you contributed at least one action to it personally, you'll get the prize shown on the left! (You can still contribute to the star even after your rally has finished it.)

At the top, you see the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 7 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

You can click on the chests and buy yourself items that will really help toward the quests. The best part is, you get a large amount, and every single member of your rally gets a little bit too!

When you get a gift from another member of your rally, it goes DIRECTLY TO YOUR GIFT BOX when they purchase it. It is ALREADY in your gift box before you are notified. You can see what you already received by opening the chests, which will appear on the left side of your farm.

RALLY QUESTS #3: June 25-30, 2015.

These are part of the 2015 SciFi theme. They ran from June 25-30, 2015. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

-The RED ARROW points to the list of quests. You don't do the quests by yourself! Work together WITH your rally to harvest/plant/etc until you fill the bar and achieve a star! As long as your team achieves a star, AND you contributed at least one action to it personally, you'll get the prize shown on the left! (You can still contribute to the star even after your rally has finished it.)

-The BLUE ARROW points to the GRAND prizes. If your team achieves the stars listed, you will get that prize. All of the grand prizes are delivered AFTER the rally has ended, so you have 5 days to work toward these goals! Whatever number of stars you get, you will receive ALL the prizes leading UP TO the stars you achieved! (So if you get all the stars, you get everything listed!)

In order to get the grand prize(s), players MUST contribute something toward the rally's total points.

-The GREEN CIRCLE is a rally chest! You can click on these chests and buy yourself items that will really help toward the quests. The best part is, you get a large amount, and every single member of your rally gets a little bit too!

-When you get a gift from another member of your rally, it goes DIRECTLY TO YOUR GIFT BOX when they purchase it. It is ALREADY in your gift box before you are notified. You can see what you already received by opening the chests, which will appear on the left side of your farm.


(1 STAR)

Mystery Seeds

Mystery Seeds

Jackpot Seeds

Jackpot Seeds





Potluck Seeds

Potluck Seeds
(10 STARS)


(12 STARS)


(15 STARS)

These quests are NOT sequential. You work on them all at the same time.

TIP: Find Spice Weed in the store and surprise seeds!

Melange 01)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 8,000
guano (150)
Melange 02)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 15,000
puff_pass (5)
Melange 03)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 27,000
Jamaican Green 20
Jamaican Green
Melange 04)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 80,000
crate_frog_box (2)
Melange 05)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 150,000
potto_mystery (5)
Melange 06)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 200,000
rally_potto_surprise (10)
Melange 07)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 270,000
chronic_crate_crate (5)
Melange 08)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 320,000
Jackpot Seeds 20Jackpot Seeds
Melange 09)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 375,000
50/50 Seed 5
50/50 Seed
Melange 10)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 600,000
Potluck Seeds 10Potluck Seeds
Melange 11)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 675,000
ticket_snackpot (5)
Melange 12)
  • Harvest Spice Weed 1,080,000
blob_storage (1)
Brundle Floyd 01)
  • Plant Jackpot Seeds 250
Mystery Seeds 100Mystery Seeds
Brundle Floyd 02)
  • Plant Jackpot Seeds 750
Surprise Seeds 150Surprise Seeds
Brundle Floyd 03)
  • Feed Pod Teleporters 500
ticket_snackpot (5)

RALLY QUESTS #2: April 29 - May 6, 2015.

These are part of the 2015 420 theme. They ran from April 29 - May 6, 2015. The requirements are "RALLY goals", meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

Big news from the devs:

Hey farmers! Prizes are out! The notification might not show, but click your rally tab to see what you got. OH AND GUESS WHAT??

You guys got ALL the prizes leading up to the amount of stars you earned. Did you get roachie? You ALSO got the jar, pool, and other prizes below him!

We heard you and it's so much better that way! In the future that's how it will work for all rally quests. Congrats to all the winners and we hope you had a blast!


In addition to the individual prizes for each quest completed, members of your rally who participate will also get a BONUS prize based on the total number of quests they've completed at the end of the rally quest period. (You only get one bonus prize. For example, if you complete all 15 quests, you only get the prize for earning 15, and not the prizes for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 stars as well.) (REVISED. SEE BIG NEWS ABOVE!)

Mystery Seeds

Mystery Seeds
(50) (2 stars)

Jackpot Seeds

Jackpot Seeds
(20) (4 stars)


(10) (6 stars)


(1) (8 stars)

Potluck Seeds

Potluck Seeds
(10) (10 stars)


(1) (12 stars)


(1) (15 stars)

These quests are NOT sequential. You work on them all at the same time.

And the devs remind us... Don't forget that you can click on those chests to the right of each task, and buy some super cool stuff. You get a big wack of whatever is in there, and ALL of your rally mates get a smaller amount as a gift from you! Helpful AND generous!

Birthday Bash 01)
  • Harvest Birthday Bud 200,000
guano (150)
Birthday Bash 02)
  • Harvest Birthday Bud 750,000
Mystery Seeds 100Mystery Seeds
Birthday Bash 03)
  • Harvest Birthday Bud 1,000,000
Jackpot Seeds 50Jackpot Seeds
Columbian Clash 01)
  • Harvest Columbian Gold 350,000
puff_pass (10)
Columbian Clash 02)
  • Harvest Columbian Gold 1,225,000
Surprise Seeds 200Surprise Seeds
Columbian Clash 03)
  • Harvest Columbian Gold 1,750,000
Mystery Seeds 150Mystery Seeds
Surf's Up 01)
  • Harvest Maui Waui 500,000
guano (150)
Surf's Up 02)
  • Harvest Maui Waui 1,875,000
puff_pass (20)
Surf's Up 03)
  • Harvest Maui Waui 2,500,000
Jackpot Seeds 50Jackpot Seeds
Mystery Madness 01)
  • Plant Mystery Seeds 12,500
kief (20)
Mystery Madness 02)
  • Harvest Chronergy Drink 1,000
Jackpot Seeds 50Jackpot Seeds
Mystery Madness 03)
  • Harvest Jelly Beans 1,500
50/50 Seeds 10
50/50 Seeds
Final Stretch 01)
  • Plant Jackpot Seeds 2,500
puff_pass (10)
Final Stretch 02)
  • Harvest Ball Gag Bushes 400
Mystery Seeds 100Mystery Seeds
Final Stretch 03)
  • Harvest Ball Gag Bushes 600
Jackpot Seeds 75Jackpot Seeds

RALLY QUESTS #1: March 5-6, 2015.

Here's info for the FIRST EVER rally quests. They ran March 5-6, 2015 from noon to noon. The requirements are RALLY goals, meaning that all members in a rally contribute toward completing these goals and all members got the same prizes for quests completed.

From what I hear, future rally quests will probably last longer than just one day. We'll probably get one per theme, just like rally events.

In addition to the individual prizes for each quest completed, your rally will also get a BONUS prize based on how many quests they've completed at the end of the rally quest period. (You only get the higher of the 3. For example, if you complete 6 or more quests, you only get the prize for 6, and not the 1 or 3 prizes as well.)

  • If your rally completes 1 or 2 quests, you'll get a bonus of 30 Surprise Seeds.
  • If your rally completes 3, 4, or 5 quests, you'll get a bonus of 50 Mystery Seeds.
  • If your rally completes 6 or more quests, you'll get a bonus of 10 Potluck Seeds.

These quests are NOT sequential. You work on them all at the same time.

Sugar High
  • harvest Sweet Tooth 150,000
Jackpot Seeds 50
Jackpot Seeds
Mighty High
  • harvest Mighty Mite 150,000
Mystery Seeds 100
Mystery Seeds
Moar Balls!
  • harvest Ball Gag 150
Jackpot Seeds 50
Jackpot Seeds
Pressing News!
  • feed Oil Press 5000
guano (150)
Get Energetic!
  • harvest Chronergy Drink 250
puff_pass (10)
Fingers Crossed!
  • plant jackpot_seeds 500
Surprise Seeds 200
Surprise Seeds
Let's not 'Ponic!
  • Plant in Hydroponic Van 2500
Mystery Seeds 20
Mystery Seeds
Puff Puffing
  • Use Puff Puff Passes from Gift Box 500
hydroponic_van (1)

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