the site Pot Farm called..."the best and most comprehensive Pot Farm site on the vast interwebs!"
Fan page with info on every item and every seed ever released in Pot Farm and MUCH MORE!
Follow Guru Steve @potfarminfoPot Farm shut down Dec 11, 2019 at 4pm PST.
Due partly to the upcoming change away from flash and the fact that the game was no longer profitable, the developers sadly decided to end the game. Cash purchases were turned off November 13 and the game was shut down on December 11, 2019. See also their video announcement of shutdown and announcement on their Facebook page. See also: A word from East Side Games | Pot Farm Commemoration Stream | Some terrible jingles: Thank You Pot Farm, Pot Farm Influencer Jingle, Big Pig Fat Bat Jingle.
Thank you to those who have been kind enough to support my work over the years.
Themes in Pot Farm: (Select a theme from this list)

WONDERLAND THEME: June 11 - July 6, 2012:
NOTE: The devs said that "Psychedelic Sensi and Critter Quests" will be extended by 2 weeks, ending July 20th. They meant that Psychedelic Sensi SEEDS but ONLY Critter QUESTS are being extended. Other than that, the wonderland theme will be ending July 6 as planned.
"BOX OF DOORS" expired July 4:
Works just like Alien Chicks from the SciFi theme. Purchase a BOX OF DOORS (from Groovy Stuff), and win 1 of 6 magic doors, including DAILY BREAD producers, a 2x ACAPULCO GOLD Repeater, and a MYSTIC DOOR - a MYSTERY SEED Contraption that randomly gives either 5, 10, 20 or 50 MYSTERY SEEDS! See below for more info. NOTE: The devs are putting out a fix on the mystic door. It's never supposed to give out 2 mystery seeds.

The MYSTIC DOOR (green) is the only door that "opens". It is a contraption that runs on mystic vine keys (grown from mystery seeds). You can either sell a mystic vine key for $3 pot bucks, or put it in the mystic door which will randomly produce 5, 10, 20 or 50 mystery seeds. Here's the scoop on the different doors:
- Imp Door - 0 spaces - 40 pro
- Mouse Door - 0 spaces - 5 pro - 250 coins (daily bread)
- Blue Door - 1 space - 10 pro - 1000 coins (daily bread)
- Purple Door - 1 space - 30 pro - 2000 coins (daily bread)
- Elevator Door - 2 spaces - 0 pro - Repeater (2x Acapulco Gold every 18 hours)
- Mystic Door - 2 spaces - Contraption. Feed it a mystic key (from mystery seeds) and it produces 1000xp and 5, 10, 20 or 50 mystery seeds.
There are QUESTS involving mystery doors. See the QUEST PAGE. Also see Mystic Key Awards.
The Mystic Key Vine comes from mystery and jackpot seeds. They are also available in the store from 6/26-28/2012 for 2 fb credits (or $10 pot bucks at www.thepotfarmgame.com). (Yes, they're actually $10 pb to buy, but if you use them on a mystic door, you can get 5-50 mystery seeds. Personally, I would not recommend buying keys for $10pb. I've averaged 7 mystery seeds per key using them on the mystic door.)
GURU TIP: If you're considering BUYING POT BUCKS, you get a rate of 1:1. However, if you buy Mystic Key Vines for 2 fbc each, you can grow and sell the keys for $3 pot bucks each! That's a 50% better pot buck return for your purchase. A great example is guano. Buying guano for facebook credits, you get 792 guano for 66 credits. If you buy 33 mystic key vines for the same 66 facebook credits, you would grow them and sell the keys for 99 pot bucks. That 99 pot bucks gets you 999 guano.
(And, of course, if you scored a mystic door, you can use them on that and get 5-50 mystery seeds for each. I just got 10 of the key vines and averaged 7 mystery seeds per key.)
New items from this theme:
The images below show all of the items released during the Wonderland theme. Hover to see the names. Click the pictures for more details. Visit the ITEMS PAGE for details on ALL ITEMS in the game.

Click for recently updated items
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